Doing laundry

Michelle asked 6 years ago

My husband and I are traveling to CR the first two weeks of April. I am following suggestions found in your website and we will see many places while we are there. We are planning to travel light so that we don’t have to pack and unpack so much each place we stay. Are laundering facilities readily available? We will be in Monteverde, La Fortuna, Manuel Antonio, Drake Bay and San Jose. Thank you for putting together such a thorough website. It’s been a tremendous help.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Michelle,
Usually the hotels will be able to do your laundry if you ask. We’ve done this several times and it is usually a reasonable price like $10-$20 for a big bag, washed, dried, and folded. Otherwise, some towns have laundromats and your hotel can probably point you to one if so.