Diversity and locals

CrumptonTravel asked 7 years ago

My 10 y/o daughter and I will be in Samara late July/early Aug at one of the language schools through CRS tours for four hours in the morning (I think). I want my daughter to practice her Spanish. Are there opportunities for her to meet local or Spanish speaking children? How\’s the diversity in Samara? Even with the workers, are there any dark skinned Costa Ricans or do we have to go to the Caribbean side to see them?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi CrumptonTravel, 
Yes, there are plenty of local kids around Samara that will be Spanish speaking. When we last visited, a bunch of them at the school right in town were talking to us as we walked by. The beach is also a popular hangout for locals on Sundays. You could try Playa Carillo too and maybe she could join in on a soccer game or something. The diversity is pretty good all around Costa Rica but typically the Caribbean side of Costa Rica has more dark skinned people. That coastline is where many Afro-Caribbean people settled/were employed for the banana and coffee industry and also to help build the railroad a long time ago. Hope you have a great time with your daughter!