Destination itinerary for 2 weeks with 1- yr old and 7 yr old girls

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsDestination itinerary for 2 weeks with 1- yr old and 7 yr old girls
Louise asked 6 years ago

We’re travelling from the UK for a 15 night trip to Costa Rica next April with our girls. It will be our first long haul trip with children and we’re looking to spend some time in Manuel Antonio we’d like to do some tree house stays in the jungle and we’d like to visit volcano area with hot springs. We don’t want to cram too much in though and spend minimal time travelling. What would be the best order to do it in, which locations would be best please? Thank you! 

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Louise, 
You should check out our 2-week Itinerary Post for some ideas. In that itinerary we have you travel to the Arenal Volcano Area, then Manuel Antonio, and finally Drake Bay. But you could substitute somewhere else for Drake Bay (maybe with tree houses) that would be better for the 1 year old. Drake Bay is great for older kids but is a little hard with an infant/toddler since you need to walk/hike to everything and there aren’t many activities for little ones. The Monteverde Cloud Forest is a popular addition to this itinerary (to visit between Arenal and Manuel Antonio). There aren’t many tree-house type lodges but they tend to be more rustic (cabins for example). Monteverde is great for kids and has a lot of smaller/quick activities to do between naps, etc.