Coffee fincas near Quizarra/San Isidro de el General?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Travel QuestionsCoffee fincas near Quizarra/San Isidro de el General?
Leisha asked 8 years ago

Hi! We’re going to be housesitting in Quizarra (near San Isidro de el General) for two months. We won’t have a car for the most part, but are thinking of renting for a week just to do a few daytrips. We had heard there were coffee farms in the area – do you have any tips on how to find one? Internet searches aren’t helping us so much!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Leisha, 
We don’t know of any tours right near San Isidro de El General but have heard that there are some good ones in San Maria de Dota, which is a manageable drive from there as a day trip. If you do find some closer, we would love to hear about them so be sure to report back 🙂