Child care options in Manual Antonio

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Moving to Costa RicaChild care options in Manual Antonio
lizzieb asked 8 years ago

This fall I am moving to Costa Rica for a few months with my husband and our 2-1/2 year old son.  We’ll both be working while we are living in Manual Antonio.  Do you know of any good child care options in that area?  Are there daycares or preschools?  Do you know of a good resource for finding reliable babysitters and nannies?  Since you have a lovely child of your own I thought you might have some insight.  Thanks!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi lizzieb, 
We’ve actually only started to look into this ourselves but do know that Manuel Antonio has some options for childcare. Two that we know of are Colegio Los Delfines, which is more of a traditional school that has kindergarten through high school and Life Project, which is a  “Project Based Learning, Holistic Teaching, & Wellness & Sustainability program” school. Those are the only ones we know of right now but there could definitely be others. If you find any, please let us know. There are also often posts about babysitters and people offering nanny services on the local Facebook groups, which you could join. Have a great few months in MA 🙂