cellphone and data/internet

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Travel Questionscellphone and data/internet
paulaadam asked 8 years ago

hi guys, great web site. We are about to start a 4 month housesit between MA and Dominical and hoped you could advise us of the best cell data plan? Which is the most relaible carrier in terms of Internet/data down that way IYO?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi paulaadam, 
Awesome that you scored a 4 month house sit in Costa Rica. Our first house sit was also near where you will be 🙂 
For cell phones and data plans, most people in that/this area use ICE. There are several 3G cell towers along the highway south from Manuel Antonio to Dominical and we’ve heard that eventually they will be upgraded to 4G. If you’ll be up in the hills at the house sit, which is pretty common, you should have a good signal if you can see one of the towers. You can also go into the ICE office in Dominical or Quepos to get info about the different data plans or if you need help setting up your phone/have problems getting a strong signal. Basically you pay more for more speed but there are times, no matter which plan you have, that it slows down. When we used cell data for our internet, the speed always seemed to drop around 5pm for a few hours.