Car Rental Insurance Inquiry

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsCar Rental Insurance Inquiry
Tim asked 7 years ago

Hey guys, I just wanted to ask if you’d personally recommend the FULL CDW insurance instead of just going with my credit card coverage via Visa ( I have my document from the benefits provider stated my coverage details to present to Adobe). Would you feel this would be sufficient coverage or have you heard of any instances where the credit card coverage was problematic in regards to any damage from a rented vehicle? Me and my girlfriend are driving from Gaunacaste to Monteverde during the first week of June (rainy season). I greatly appreciate your help!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Tim, 
We really can’t give people too much advice on insurance coverage but we can tell you to make sure to carefully read the exclusions in your credit card’s coverage or call to get them explained. Sometimes they don’t cover off-roading, which might mean they don’t cover driving on dirt roads (Monteverde). If you do decide to decline, also make sure to have a letter printed out from your credit card company. Maybe that is what you already have but Adobe prefers a more personalized letter from the credit card provider with your name, etc. With a quick call, they can usually send one over to you by email.