Cabo Blanco, Curú or Isla Tortuga?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Travel QuestionsCabo Blanco, Curú or Isla Tortuga?
Jacob asked 8 years ago

Hi! I’ve got 1 day to go on a tour at the southern end of Nicoya Peninsula and I’m finding it hard to choose between Cabo Blanco, Curú and Isla Tortuga. Which one of these three would you recommend? If you recommend Cabo Blanco, would you then recommend going on my own or with a tour guide?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Jacob, 
That is a tough decision. I guess it depends on what you want to see. Tortuga Island would be a fun trip to see the gulf, snorkel, and I think they usually do a BBQ on those tours. The other two would be more about seeing wildlife and jungle habitats. Cabo Blanco would be more about hiking too, while at Curú, you can do hiking, or guided horseback or kayak tours. I guess they go to Tortuga Island as well but we don’t know much about that tour. If you do Cabo Blanco, you don’t need a guide. We did it without one, saw a ton of wildlife, and had a blast.