Best route to Monteverde

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsBest route to Monteverde
tim3939wil asked 7 years ago

Looking for the best route from San Jose to Monteverde, January 5, 2018. I have looked at the route on your site it shows a blue  proposed  route as 145 and a gray alternative route as 605,  which you do not recommend either of them. This looks to be on Google earth, you suggest taking route 606 which isn’t shown on  The map as a proposed or alternative route am I missing something?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi tim3939wil,

Thanks for noticing that. Sometimes Google is too smart for itself. It looks like there is a temporary road closure on Route 606 so it automatically changed the route on our site. It should be cleared well before your trip but it wouldn’t hurt to check back. There is nothing about it on the country’s transit websites so it is probably very minor and will get cleared up right away.