Auto Liability Insurance Limits

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsAuto Liability Insurance Limits
Oregon3 asked 8 years ago

We purchased your ebook and are planning a two-week trip to Costa Rica, departing in three weeks.   We appreciate all of the information you provide there and on this site. I am working on the car rental, and I have checked the rates at Adobe with your discount.  My question is with regards to the third party liability coverage.  The Adobe website says that their mandatory insurance covers up to US$20K for third party property damage and $100K for injury/death.  From what I’ve read, cars often cost over $20K in Costa Rica, so is this adequate?  We have a US personal umbrella liability policy that extends internationally, but it requires us to have minimum auto coverage of $300K for injury and $50K for property.   Is our only option to buy the Supplemental Protection Plan for $17 per day, or have you seen any other insurance options to bridge the gap?  All of the travel car insurance plans I’ve found (including our credit card) cover only the rental vehicle, not liability.  Thanks!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Oregon3, 
We aren’t experts on the insurance coverage that Adobe offers but what you could do is make a reservation and in the notes section ask them if they have any other insurance options that would help in your particular situation. You can easily cancel the reservation without being charged if you decide you don’t want to go through with it. Adobe has really good customer service so if there is a way they can help, they definitely will. Best of luck and have a great trip!