Adobe Car Rental….total scam

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsAdobe Car Rental….total scam
beckydfw asked 7 years ago

Upon your recommendation, we rented from Adobe. They refused to honor my request for automatic transmission car unless I paid more than double my quote. They charged me for insurance, even though I had insurance and a letter from my credit card stating i had insurance. They programmed our GPS to take us through a very bad part of town, where our tire promptly went flat. We drove to a secure area…with a flat tire…and changed it in the rain (two girls here…), and brought the car back to Adobe. They refused us a new car. We later found out this is part of a “flat tire scam”. We will never rent from Adobe again, and as we both work for major airlines that fly into Liberia and San Jose, we will advise all of our travelers and customers to never rent from Adobe.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi beckydfw, 
Sorry to hear about your rental car experience, it sounds like a stressful situation. We have had hundreds if not thousands of people rent a car through our discount page and over that time (about 2.5 years) have only had 2 minor complaints. Usually we actually hear the opposite from our readers about how the staff has been really helpful and professional. Any time we have had a complaint, Adobe has launched an investigation into what happened and found some way to make it up to the customer. When we reached out to them about this instance, they informed us that they knew about it and will be doing the same. We know your experience was bad and we don’t expect you to change your feelings toward the company, but in our experience, Adobe is one of the best rental car companies in Costa Rica in terms of quality cars and customer service. That is why we recommend them. Either way, getting a flat in the city is scary and not something anyone wants to deal with. Glad you are okay and hopefully Adobe will be in contact with you soon.