Accommodation in Samara

hailsa asked 8 years ago

We are traveling to CR in late November and have been struggling to decide between Samara and Santa Teresa. Obviously Samara is easier to get to which is appealing with our 2 little kiddos, however the accommodation in ST is a lot nicer/more appealing. Do you have any recommendations for higher-end accommodation in/around Samara? We ideally want to be on or a short week from the beach as we have young babies who nap a lot, so we’d want an outdoor area we can enjoy while the kiddos nap. I’m struggling to find more luxurious options in Samara. Any suggestions welcomed – thanks!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi hailsa, 
We are actually working on a Samara destination guide (with hotel recommendations) now and it should be out next week. If you want to subscribe to our blog, you can get the article sent right to your email when it’s published. I’ll also try to remember to update this thread too with the link.
Also, wow….little ones that nap a lot! That sounds like a dream, our 7-month old fights naps like it is his job 🙂