7 days in rainforest

jkindt629 asked 7 years ago

I am traveling to Costa Rica with my husband and 2 kids (14&11) next April and we are considering the Springs resort.  Do you think it’s worth spending the full 7 days there or breaking it up by going towards the coast?  In doing our research we see that its a 4-5 hour drive to the coast from arenal volcano which might not go over well with the kids :).  So just wondering if the rainforest is the thing to do in costa rica or coast or both.  If we do the coast where do you think is the best location and hotel and for how many days? Also we live in California at the beach so we get beach 365 days a year :).  Thanks so much for your help in answering my questions. 

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi jkindt629, 
If you live near the beach and the kids aren’t a fan of the car, we’d say that you could easily spend 7 days in and around La Fortuna. There are a lot of really fun activities there like hanging bridges, zip-lining, rafting, hot springs, nature tours, hiking, waterfalls, etc. There are also some fun day trips to other areas close by like the Rio Celeste Waterfall or Cano Negro Wetlands (near Nicaragua).
It’s early on in your planning, but if you would like help booking your hotel and activities later on, let us know. We work with most hotels in La Fortuna and can often get discounts for our clients. Just respond to this thread and we can send you an email.