6 nights between Arenal and Playa Conchal

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Hotel and Lodging Questions6 nights between Arenal and Playa Conchal
Holly asked 7 years ago

I’ve ordered your book and loved reading your posts!  Especially the range of hotel choices by budget in Arenal.  We are only in CR for 6 nights trying to split our time over the new year holiday with our teen girls.  Thanks to your post, we’ve booked the Arenal Springs for three nights. We are trying to commit to the Westin Playa Conchal for the last 3 nights before flying out of Liberia.  Yet, the expense is making us unsure if this is worth it.  It seems like the best beach area for us, but do you have any other beautiful beach, nice amenity hotels with the same drive time back to Liberia? Any other advice?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Holly, 
Playa Conchal is really nice and the Westin Resort is one that we often recommend. As far as other beaches within the same distance to Liberia, you could look at Playa Hermosa (Guanacaste). There are a variety of lodging options there (we include some good ones in our post) and the beaches are really nice. You could also go on a day trip from there to Playa Conchal to enjoy that beach, as it’s not too far.