1-week itinerary?

hunleyexpress asked 7 years ago

Hi! Great information and itinerary for a 2-week trip. Do you have a recommendation for a condensed version that would be fun and not too hectic for a 1-week itinerary in early April?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi hunleyexpress, 
Yes, we have a 1-week itinerary that you can see here. We also have a book, called Top 10 Costa Rica Itineraries that has a lot of different options. We give a 1 week and 2 week version for each set of destinations in the book. One piece of advice is that Semana Santa (Holy Week or Easter Week) is right in the middle of April this year so things are booking up quickly, especially at the beaches. If you are coming early you might be fine though. Best of luck planning!