Capture the Color (of Costa Rica)

Capture the Color is a photo blogging challenge that was started last year by the people at Travel Supermarket. The whole idea behind Capture the Color is to showcase your best travel photographs which capture the colors red, blue, green, yellow, and white. We’d like to give special thanks to Casey, one of our favorite Costa Rica bloggers, for nominating us. You can check out Casey’s entry as well as lots of great articles about life in Costa Rica on his blog, A Dull Roar.

For our Capture the Color submissions, we tried to focus not only on the colors themselves but how they relate to life here in Costa Rica. Five colors can’t tell the whole story but we tried our best.


Costa Rica is known for adventure. Strapped into a harness with one of these bright red helmets, you can fly through the rainforest canopy on a zip-line. Here’s our submission for the color red.


Zip line harnesses Picture



The culture of Costa Rica is one of our favorite things about the country. We couldn’t think of a more beautiful picture to represent blue than this one.


Girl in traditional clothing Costa Rica picture



Everywhere you look in Costa Rica, you see green. But nothing captures the color green quite like a simple banana leaf with the dew of a brand new day.


Leaf with dew picture



In the darkness of a jungle night, everything is attracted to the glow of a simple light. You never know who might show up to visit. For the color yellow, our gecko friend recommended this photo.


Gecko Picture



The white-faced capuchin monkey is found throughout Costa Rica and is just one example of the country’s extensive wildlife. Our choice for white was an easy one.


White-faced monkey Costa Rica Picture


We hope you enjoyed this colorful glimpse into Costa Rica. Below are our nominations for the challenge. ¡Pura vida!

Alte Cocker Travels
Pollo Pass
The Red Headed Traveler
The Grind to Tico Time
Tico ♥ Tina

Post by: Jennifer Turnbull-Houde & Matthew Houde